Keynote Speaker, Commissioner David Hochschild, describes the what, why, and how of renewable advancements in California and what Vermont may consider as we move towards our statewide goal of achieving 90% of all of our energy needs through renewables by 2050.
With a career spanning public service, environmental advocacy and the private sector, Hochschild currently serves on the California Energy Commission. His first involvement with solar energy occurred in 2001 in San Francisco as a Special Assistant to Mayor Willie Brown where he launched a citywide $100 million initiative to place solar panels on public buildings. He went on to co-found the Vote Solar Initiative, a non-profit grassroots organization working to fight climate change and foster economic opportunity by bringing solar into the mainstream. Commissioner Hochschild served as executive director of a national consortium of leading solar manufacturers and worked for five years at Solaria, a solar company in Silicon Valley. In 2007-2008, he served as a commissioner at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
Commissioner Hochshild has worked to implement California’s Renewal Portfolio Standard (RPS) which sets a goal of procuring 33% renewable energy by 2020. California’s three large IOUs collectively served 22.7% of their 2013 retail electricity sales with renewable power. Commissioner Hochschild will discuss the benefits and challenges of implementing and maintaining California’s RPS, and what Vermont can learn from this.
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