What's the Deal with CCTV?

November 08, 2023
What’s the deal with CCTV? CCTV is a community media center in the Old North End of Burlington!
CCTV was founded in 1984 as one of Vermont’s first public access TV channels, during Bernie’s stint as mayor of Burlington. Bernie actually had a TV show at CCTV called Bernie Speaks – he interviewed people on the streets and highlighted the work of his administration. 
Nowadays, CCTV does a few things:
  1. We are the eyes and ears of local democracy. We cover everything from City Council Meetings and press conferences to protests and festivals, and everything in between. Our coverage is used every day by reporters, activists, and elected officials. 
  2. We have a massive collection of local history on THOUSANDS of VHS tapes and DVDs dating back to the 1980’s. It’s basically impossible to make a documentary about Burlington history without visiting our website or walking through our doors. 
  3. We house the Vermont Language Justice Project, which produces videos in 17 languages spoken throughout Vermont covering public health, emergency response, and everyday information that all of us need to live healthy and safe lives. 
  4. We still allow anyone and everyone to make TV programs in our studio and we air them on our cable channel (Comcast channel 1087 and Burlington Telecom channels 217 & 317), on YouTube (Youtube.com/TownMeetingTV), and on our website where we’ll save it LITERALLY FOREVER.
Our community depends on local media makers like YOU! So how are you gonna get involved?
  • Are you a high school or college student looking to learn about and make media about our local community? Come intern here!
  • Are you organizing a protest or creating a documentary about an important issue? Come check out equipment or ask us to cover your event!
  • Are you part of a movement hoping to enact meaningful change at a local level? COME MAKE A SHOW! Our primary audiences are decision makers and changemakers – this is your avenue to connect with them!
That’s CCTV in a nutshell. We’re waiting for you at 294 North Winooski Avenue – stop by and make some TV! And if you don't... maybe we'll see you out and about!