Hurricane Irene Resources for Volunteers and Victims

September 20, 2011

The United Way of Vermont has developed an online registry for individuals, groups and organizations looking to participate in the recovery effort.  Please consider going online and registering either individually or as a group to volunteer in some capacity and/or making a donation.  The United Way through Vermont 211 is gathering information from individuals, towns, businesses, and other groups about their specific needs.  The United Way is connecting volunteers with those in need.

The UVM Extension website also contains an excellent and wide range of information and resources for farmers, gardeners and others affected by Hurricane Irene. (

How is your Water?  Learn more about water testing and water safety from the Vermont Department of Health website:

The American Red Cross Encourages You to Take Action:

    * American Red Cross blood drives. It becomes especially important at this time because many of the regularly scheduled blood drives across Vermont have been canceled due to the flooding.
       Hours of operation at the Burlington donation Center:


Check out the Grassroots coordinating efforts of VTResponse


    * Consider the Vermont Foodbank and the Vermont Disaster Relief Fund.  You can go online and make donations directly to these organizations, including the American Red Cross.

    * A list of recommended non-perishable food items identified by the Vermont Foodbank as most needed at this time is available at