Election Forum Roundup 2022

June 29, 2022

From our Friends at Action Circles:

ELECTIONS 2022: OPPORTUNITIES TO ENGAGE WITH YOUR CANDIDATES We are in the thick of Election Season 2022, and early voting for Vermont’s primary election starts this Friday!

To help you get connected to your candidates, Action Circles has compiled a list of events (either remote or in-person) that are open to the public and of relevance to the Legislature and Elections in Vermont. These events are either hosted by legislators to connect with their constituents, or they are forums held for candidates to meet with voters.

Be an informed voter this election season and check out the list of events HERE. Events are listed by county, and the webpage also includes recordings for any events that have already passed where a recording is available. If you know of any events that are not listed on this page, please forward the information to: colin [at] action-circles [dot] com and we will be sure to add it to the list!