6 Reasons to Support Burlington Telecom (and to consider public ownership in YOUR community)

November 04, 2009

Citizen debate is alive and well in the Queen City—just tune into Channel 17 and 317 to watch Burlington City Council meetings and live call-in shows concerning the financing and build-out of Burlington Telecom (BT.) Since the 1980’s, when it was first proposed, CCTV has supported the City’s efforts to build a publicly owned network and believes that now, more than, ever, we need to stand tall in support of Burlington Telecom.

Why? Because BT promotes civic engagement, economic development, affordable access and data speeds that will move us into the future.

How? Here are some reasons to consider:

1, BT’s capacity and speed attracts “digital economy” businesses that pay well and serve our community in many ways.

2. City departments pay less for fast, reliable digital networks than they’d pay to private sector companies.

3. Competition with Comcast and Fairpoint’s phone, internet and cable services brings prices down for everyone—plus the customer service is local!

4. BT pays more in taxes and payment in lieu of taxes than the private sector telecom companies.

5. Locally owned means that the “profits” go back into the network and keep rate-payers costs and prices lower for the long term.

6. BT provides additional access channels for live meeting coverage and public information (including Channel 317!)

Now is the time for Burlington residents and businesses to speak up for BT, sign up for its affordable services and urge city officials and state regulators to find a constructive solution to the current financing and build-out issues.

Our long term access to affordable and robust voice, data and video services depends on it. And, as our investment in our municipal electric company now demonstrates, Burlington Telecom can prove to be a vital resource for many years into the future.