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Recent Live Events:
Justice. Excellence. Respect. Commitment
March 26, 2013
Information on the Somali Bantu Community Association of Vermont, Inc. can be found at - Somali Bantu Community Association of Vermont, Inc. . Office Phone: (802) 658-2683 Fax: (802) 264-9633 Association Email: sbcavt [at] somalibantuvermont [dot] org
Conversations with Your Legislators: Rep. Terry Macaig (D) and Jean O'Sullivan (D)
March 25, 2013
Legislative Studio Interview with Rep. Terry Macaig (D) and Jean O'Sullivan (D).
Building One Movement for People and Our Planet
March 22, 2013Host Traven Leyshon speaks with Sandy Gaffney of Berlin and Avery Pittman of Bulrington.
SeeClickFix - Burlington Code Enforcement
March 21, 2013
Bill Ward, Director of Burlington Code Enforcement, speaks with staff on the challenges and successes of their job.
Gwen Pokalo - Women's Small Business Program
March 20, 2013
Host Melinda Moulton speaks with Director of Women's Small Business Program, Gwen Pokalo.
Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission
March 20, 2013
The Chittenden County Reginal Planning Organization (CCRPC) promotes cooperation among the 19 municipalities of the Chittenden County region. Regular meeting and public hearing.
Conversations with Your Legislators: Rep. Curt McCormack (D/W) and Rep. Suzi Wizowaty (D)
March 18, 2013
Legislative Studio Interview with Reps. Curt McCormack (D/W), House Committee on Natural Resources and Energy and Suzi Wizowaty (D), House Committee on Judiciary.
Hosts Dave Sharpe and Joey Donovan with Rep. Patrick Brennan
March 18, 2013
Hosts, Reps. Dave Sharpe (D) and Joey Donovan (D). Guest Patrick Brennan (R).
All Things Water - Aquatics Programs at the 'Y'
March 15, 2013
Host Jan Riordan talks about all things water-related with Jamie Held, the Y’s aquatics director. Greater Burlington YMCA.
Funding Vermont's Health Care Plan
March 14, 2013
Host Robert Maynard shares opinions on why the University of Massachusetts study report did not contain information about how the $1.6 billion in new taxes needed to fund the state plan, will be paid for. Act 48 called for such a disclosure with the state payingt $300,000 for the study.
Burlington Democrats
March 13, 2013
Democratic City Councilors share their views and take your calls. For more info on Burlington Democrats, click here.
Host Tiki Archambeau
March 12, 2013
Host Tiki Archambeau, Chair of the Burlington Progressive Party. For more information: Vermont Progressive Party, PO Box 281, Montpelier, Vt 05601. Telephone 802-229-0800.
Conversations with your Legislators: Rep. Maida Townsend (D)
March 11, 2013
Legislative Studio Interview
Conversations with your Legislators: Reps. Chris Pearson (P) and Jill Krowinski (D)
March 11, 2013
Legislative Studio Interview with Representative Chris Pearson (P), representing Burlington's Chittenden 6-4 District. Rep. Pearson serves on the House Health Care Committee, and Rep. Jill Krowinski (D), representing Burlington's Chitt. 6-3 District. Rep. Krowinski serves on the Human Services Committee.
Host Bonnie Scott and Loyal Ploof
March 8, 2013
Host Bonnie Scott talks on the issues of the day with a Libertarian perspective. Today's guest is Loyal Ploof.