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Both TV channels streaming live 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. If you encounter an issue with our stream please contact feedback [at] cctv [dot] org (subject: live_channel_streams) . Check out our HD Livestream Events.

Recent Live Events:

Justice. Excellence. Respect. Commitment

  • March 26, 2013

      Information on the Somali Bantu Community Association of Vermont, Inc. can be found at - Somali Bantu Community Association of Vermont, Inc. .   Office Phone: (802) 658-2683  Fax: (802) 264-9633  Association Email: sbcavt [at] somalibantuvermont [dot] org

Conversations with Your Legislators: Rep. Terry Macaig (D) and Jean O'Sullivan (D)

  • March 25, 2013

    Legislative Studio Interview with Rep. Terry Macaig (D) and Jean O'Sullivan (D).

Building One Movement for People and Our Planet

  • March 22, 2013
    Host Traven Leyshon speaks with Sandy Gaffney of Berlin and Avery Pittman of Bulrington.

SeeClickFix - Burlington Code Enforcement

Gwen Pokalo - Women's Small Business Program

Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission

  • March 20, 2013

    The Chittenden County Reginal Planning Organization (CCRPC) promotes cooperation among the 19 municipalities of the Chittenden County region. Regular meeting and public hearing.

Conversations with Your Legislators: Rep. Curt McCormack (D/W) and Rep. Suzi Wizowaty (D)

  • March 18, 2013

    Legislative Studio Interview with Reps. Curt McCormack (D/W), House Committee on Natural Resources and Energy and Suzi Wizowaty (D), House Committee on Judiciary.

Hosts Dave Sharpe and Joey Donovan with Rep. Patrick Brennan

  • March 18, 2013

    Hosts, Reps. Dave Sharpe (D) and Joey Donovan (D). Guest Patrick Brennan (R).

All Things Water - Aquatics Programs at the 'Y'

  • March 15, 2013

    Host Jan Riordan talks about all things water-related with Jamie Held, the Y’s aquatics director.  Greater Burlington YMCA.

Funding Vermont's Health Care Plan

  • March 14, 2013

    Host Robert Maynard shares opinions on why the University of Massachusetts study report did not contain information about how the $1.6 billion in new taxes needed to fund the state plan, will be paid for.  Act 48 called for such a disclosure with the state payingt $300,000 for the study.

Burlington Democrats

  • March 13, 2013

    Democratic City Councilors share their views and take your calls. For more info on Burlington Democrats, click here.  

Host Tiki Archambeau

  • March 12, 2013

    Host Tiki Archambeau, Chair of the Burlington Progressive Party. For more information: Vermont Progressive Party, PO Box 281, Montpelier, Vt 05601. Telephone 802-229-0800.

Conversations with your Legislators: Rep. Maida Townsend (D)

  • March 11, 2013

    Legislative Studio Interview

Conversations with your Legislators: Reps. Chris Pearson (P) and Jill Krowinski (D)

  • March 11, 2013

    Legislative Studio Interview with Representative Chris Pearson (P), representing Burlington's Chittenden 6-4 District. Rep. Pearson serves on the House Health Care Committee, and Rep. Jill Krowinski (D), representing Burlington's Chitt. 6-3 District.  Rep. Krowinski serves on the Human Services Committee.

Host Bonnie Scott and Loyal Ploof

  • March 8, 2013

    Host Bonnie Scott talks on the issues of the day with a Libertarian perspective. Today's guest is Loyal Ploof.