Welcome: Scot Barker – Chief Innovation Officer, City of Burlington, VT
Conversation Moderators:
Olga Peters – The Commons
Sarah Copeland Hanzas – Vermont Secretary of State
Community meeting coverage is a hallmark of government access television. Over the years, as technology and community expectations have changed, this has morphed from recordings televised on cable television to live streams, support of hybrid technology, and helping the public to make sense of what they are watching with titles, agendas, transcripts, captioning, and outreach to connect the public with the decision-making process. With the decline in cable revenues and increase in costs to produce alongside demands for more coverage and service, our government access operations are expanding their partnerships and revenue sources to meet the needs of local communities and municipal partners. We will hear from some of those community partners and how we are working together to support continued community coverage of government meetings, events, elections, and local democracy decision-makers.
For more information visit: https://www.acm-ne.org/2023-conference-and-trade-show/