Economy & Business

Town Meeting Day Election Forums: VNAAC: A Community Forum on New Voting Procedures in the City Of Burlington - Ranked Choice Voting and Non-Citizen Voting 01/24/2024

Pack City Hall Press Conference with the Vermont Coalition for Palestinian Liberation 01/22/2024

Burlington Board of Finance 01/22/2024

Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont House Committee on Government Ops and Military - Discussion H.140 Updating State Grant and Contract Requirements 01/19/2024

Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont House Committee on Government Operations - Testimony of S.55 Update to Open Meeting Law 01/17/2024

Burlington City Arts Releases Findings of Economic and Social Impact Study of Greater Burlington Area’s Arts and Culture Industry 01/17/2024

Town Meeting Day Election Forums: Burlington Unified PTO - Burlington Mayoral Candidate Forum 01/17/2024

What's Up Williston: January 2024 Updates - Recreation & Parks 01/17/2024

Community Media Public Benefit Bill: H.575 and S.181: Vermont Senate Democratic Caucus - Chair Priorities 01/16/2024

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