Sustainable Williston - Single-Use Plastics Forum
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Lead presenter Maggie Eaton shares her experience of working on the Vermont plastics campaign since March 2019, including the passage history of the Vermont House and Senate plastics bills and how the new legislation will be implemented. She offers perspective on why this new law is so important - how plastics get into our environment, where they go and what they do to animals, us, and the natural world. Maggie also offers tips on how to live without single use plastics.
Co-presenter Ethan Hausman answers questions about plastics recycling in our community. He explains what makes a particular plastic item recyclable, how to interpret the “resin codes” on plastics, and helps clarify your understanding of bio-plastics and compostables.
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Applications Now Open for the Spring 2025 Cohort of the Neighborhood Community Media Internship Program
Town Meeting TV is excited to announce that applications are now open for the Spring 2025 cohort of the Neighborhood Community Media Internship program. Join up to 8 other youth to engage in interesting media making projects! This paid media internship opportunity is designed for youth aged 16-20 who are eager to gain professional experience in the audio-visual field and develop a deeper understanding of their local community. The group will meet under the leadership of Town Meeting TV's Travis Washington from the end of January 2025 to the beginning of June 2025, on a schedule agreed upon by the whole cohort. Click here to apply!