True North, Bruce Lisman, George Bush - This Week
Make TV ~ DATE CHANGED! Join the Community Media Makers' Workshop on Wednesday, September 19 at 6:30 p.m. Learn to use the new HVX tapeless camera and Four Mic Mixer to produce community meetings and events for TV and the web. Volunteer to be a community media maker. Register Today
Media Maven ~ 7th Annual Nonprofit Luncheon and Media Maven Kickoff: A Picture is Worth 1000 Words: Data Visualization for Nonprofits on Friday, September 21st from 12 – 2 p.m. Register Today
Essex Junction Trustees 09/11/2012 The Trustees usually meet twice per month on Tuesday evenings in the meeting room at the Village municipal office building at Five Corners. The public is invited to attend all meetings, and may address the board or ask questions during a special “public to be heard” section at the beginning of each meeting. Agenda items for this meeting include: Annual Update by Lauren-Glenn Davitian of Channel 17, Presentation of Pearl Street Corridor Scoping Study by CCPRC, Manager Transition Plan, ECOS Grant Applications, Crescent Connector Road Project, Village Street Lighting, Resolution in Support of Police Facility, Village Manager's Report. AIRS: Tuesday 9/18/12 at 8 p.m.
Burlington Parks and Recreation: Fall Events and Programs 09/13/2012 Maggie Leugers, Recreation Coordinator, Gary Rogers, Recreation Coordinator, Kathy Knauer, Leddy Ice Rink, and Gabe Diaz, Recreation Coordinator speak about upcoming Fall 2012 Events of the Burlington Parks and Recreation Department. AIRS: Wednesday 9/19/12 at 9:30 p.m.
Burlington Ward 1 NPA Meeting 09/12/2012 Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are grassroots, neighborhood organizations established in each of Burlington's seven Wards to encourage citizen participation in City government. Ward 1 meets the second Wednesday of the month. Meeting place: UVM's Memorial Lounge Waterman Building. Agenda items for this meeting include: City Council Update: Sharon Bushor, Speak Out and Update on Neighborhood Issues, B.E.D. General Manager, Barbara Grimes, on the Smart Grid/Smart Meter implementation, 3 story apartment building with underground parking at 110 Riverside Avenue. Recorded by Serrill Flash. AIRS: Thursday 9/20/12 at 9 a.m.
True North Reports TV: Mark Donka (R), Candidate U.S. House of Representatives 09/13/2012 Host Rob Roper speaks with Mark Donka (R), candidate for the US House of Representatives. AIRS: Friday 9/21/12 at 1 p.m.
Burlington Wards 2 & 3 NPA Meeting 09/13/2012 Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are grassroots, neighborhood organizations in each of Burlington's seven Wards to encourage citizen participation in City government. Wards 2 & 3 meet the second Thursday of the month. Meeting place: McClure Multi-Generational Center 241 North Winooski Avenue, Next to QTees. Recorded by Charlie Gianonni. Agenda Items For this meeting include: Update from State Rep Jill Krowinski, School Board Update from Erin Kranichfeld, SunCommon Vermont, City Councilor Update from Vince Brennan and Max Tracy. AIRS: Saturday 9/22/12 at 1 p.m.
President George H. Bush Visits Vermont 10/01/1990 Two part program features first, inside the visit and the speech by President Bush, second part features footage from the demonstrations outside the visit. Recorded by Nat Ayer, Lauren Glenn Davitian and Oak LoGalbo.. Part of the CCTV Rewind series airing every Sunday at 5. AIRS: Sunday 9/23/12 at 5 p.m.