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Why we should consider partnerships to support our work? How do we build, operate and sustain partnerships that are effective and efficient? Join us for this three hour workshop on March 12th from 10-1 at Johnson State College.

As nonprofit leaders, we want to make the most of our resources and have the greatest impact in our community. While we navigate these tough economic times doing the best we can, we suspect that we can do “better together”. “Creating Effective Partnerships” is a three hour workshop to take a close look at why we should consider partnerships to support our work, how to build, operate and sustain partnerships that are effective and efficient. Join us!  Co-sponsored by People in Partnership, Johnson State College and Common Good Vermont.

Facilitator: Mary (Mimi) Galligan Mathieu, adjunct faculty, Johnson State College is a facilitator, trainer and consultant on community involvement and volunteering for businesses and nonprofit organizations.  Previously, she was Vice President of Business Outreach for the Points of Light Foundation, Washington, DC.  There she developed and directed the Foundation’s strategies and programs for the business sector including seminars, membership, national corporate awards and publications.



March 12th, 2010 10:00 AM   through   1:00 PM
Dewey Campus Center
Johnson State College
Johnson, VT 05656
United States
Phone: 802-862-1645 ext 19
Workshop Registration $ 10.00