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Media Maven Events

are you a media maven?

Join us for the Media Maven Lunch & Webcast Series! Co-hosted by Common Good Vermont and CCTV's Center for Media & Democracy especially for our nonprofit and small business colleagues. 

Tune into the latest communications tools and strategies and gain a solid understanding of strategy, resources and tools to expand your reach and impact--off and online.

Register today for this year's Media Mavens (see below) and watch previous Media Mavens here. You can call Nick Carter for more details (802.862.1645 x21) or Register Below.

Training Rates & Cancellation Policy

training at convenient times & by appointment

CCTV  and Channel 17 offer a variety of training opportunities including Basic Video Production (second Tuesday of each month), Video Editing, Uploading and Social Media (workshops by appointment with Meghan O'Rourke). Media Mavens (third Thursdays of most months) and, with Common Good Vermont, the NPO Mavens (fourth Tuesdays of most months).

Contact us for more information:




Basic Video Production Workshops (No Charge)

2nd Tuesdays
10 a.m.
Video Editing, Uploading and Social Media Workshops (No charge)By
TV Summer Camp for 9-12 Years ($75)
Media Maven Lunches & Webcasts ($15)3d Thursdays -
12 p.m.
NPO Maven Webinars ($35)4th Tuesdays
2 p.m.

Media Literacy & Education


Media Literacy and Education is the foundation of democracy. Stop by for a Tour of Channel 17, join us for regular Media Maven Lunches, volunteer to produce or send your young kin to TV Summer Camp. Join with like-minded people to be an informed and critical media consumer! Contact Meghan O'Rourke, our Training Coordinator to schedule a tour or propose a program, or host Media Literacy panel. 


Youth Make Media

Empowering the leaders of tomorrow begins with fostering media literacy today. Embrace the opportunity for young minds to enroll in our TV Summer Camp, where they can take the reins, producing the Live at 5.25PM show, crafting their own engaging TV programs, and meeting local leaders! Curious about the journey to becoming a Media Literate Youth? Dive deeper into the possibilities.

Learn: Hands On TV and Video Production


"CCTV has created a unique place for nonprofits and activists to share their voice by offering media education and an avenue to reach more people."

CCTV  and Town Meeting TV offer a variety of resources to help you tell your story or learn video production and storytelling. Use our studio to interview guests, speak directly to your audience or live stream to your social media platform. Use our free production equipment to record an event, an interview or create a video project and then schedule time with our staff to learn video editing basics. Please get in touch with us to learn more and to begin your media making journey. 802-862-3996 x16 or

Training to Tell YOUR Story

"I want to make a program to air on Town Meeting TV and on my website."

You can do it! With a story to tell and a roadmap to production, you are ready to make some media. We train young people, activists, and people who work at nonprofit organizations and public agencies. We’ll teach you how to think critically about media, plan your strategy, operate a camera, cover an event, edit in digital formats, upload your program to the internet, use innovative tools to spread the word (email marketing, websites, blogs, wikis, and more...) What program do you want to produce? Propose a Program and Check out our Training Opportunities!

Reach out with your questions, comments and suggestions to Meghan O'Rourke, morourke at cctv dot org. 802-862-3966 x16


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